October 28, 2024 DAID Trustee meeting (Public invited) – 7:00pm at Hatzic Prairie Hall – 10845 Farms Road

2024 Dyking Taxes Notices were mailed June 13, 2024 and are due and payable by September 30, 2024. If you have not received your tax notice, please contact DAID immediately, call 604-826-2713 leave message or email:

A penalty of 15% will be applied to late payments. All mailing must be post marked September 30, 2024 or prior. Payable to: Dewdney Area Improvement District by Cheque /Bank Draft/Money Order or E-transfer. Email funds to include PID & Roll number for reference.

PLEASE NOTE: September 3, 2024 – Hatzic Lake water starts to drain. Remove your water craft from Hatzic Lake by Tuesday, September 3, 2024 unless you are able to monitor the water levels on a daily basis.

June 10, 2024 – STU APPROVED – DAID has received the official STU approval to use the Slide Gates at the pump station until Tuesday after the September long weekend. Thank you to everyone for your support, feedback and effort to move the approval process along.

June 17, 2024 DAID Trustee meeting (Public invited) – 7:00pm at Hatzic Prairie Hall – 10845 Farms Road

May 30, 2024 STU update: DAID and Leq’á:mel First Nation representatives shared information and had productive dialogue. After our meeting Justin will confer with other members of the First Nation referral group and report to the Ministry of Water Land and Resource Stewardship. DAID will post the decision as soon as we receive it. Thank you to Jason, Tina & Rick for hosting a very positive meeting.

May 28,2024: DAID STU application update:
DAID representatives will attend meeting regarding the STU application on Thursday May 30, 2024 at the Leq’á:mel First Nation Office in Deroche. STU status update will be posted after this meeting.

May 22,2024: 2024 Freshet / Hatzic Lake Level / 2024 STU Application / Use of Slide Gates
In a normal year, during spring freshet, the Fraser River level rises forcing the dyke flap
gates closed until the end of freshet. During this time water coming from the creeks and sloughs in the
Hatzic watershed above the lake help the lake level rise to 2.5 to 2.6mASL. During the 2024 pumpstation
build a set of Slide Gates were included to enable the new pumps to be tested in late September when
the natural lake level is low. Each year since 2015 DAID has applied and received approval for a STU
(Short Term Use of Water) permit to use the Slide Gates to retain water after freshet ends (usually late
July to mid August) until after the September long weekend.

2024 STU application was submitted on February 15, 2024, was accepted and sent to the Water
Authorization teams on February 29, 2024.

DAID monitors local and northern snow packs, Fraser River levels at Prince George, Hope and Mission,
forecasted weather conditions. With low snowpack (65% of normal), lower Fraser River levels at Prince
George and Hope, it became apparent this year the freshet would be much shorter or almost non
existent. With a very short freshet any water that came into the lake would flow through the dyke flap
gates out to the Fraser River as soon as the river is lower than the lake.

Current Status of 2024 STU: Since May 6, 2024 DAID has sent a number of emails and phone calls to
Front Counter BC, local MLA and First Nations to get status of the 2024 STU application and voice our
concerns regarding little or no freshet, lake level, impact on agriculture, fish and ratepayers. With little or
no responses received, on May 21 DAID sent emails to all who had appeared on previous email chains
advising the Fraser River level was dropping and water would start to leave the lake within 24-48 hours.
Over the past 3 days the Fraser River has dropped and as of May 22, is now lower than the lake and
water is starting to flow from the lake.

Without the 2024 STU approval from the Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship to use the
Slide Gates, DAID cannot take proactive actions to help with the predicted drought conditions. Low
water levels in the lake and sloughs hinder agricultural irrigation, fish are killed by shallow warm
water, low ground water levels can affect local wells and fire fighter planes won’t be able to draw from
the lake.

DAID Is advising, WATER LEVELS will be LOW and may FLUCUATE when rainy weather is
also it may take 25 plus days to reach a summer level if or when the 2024 STU
approval is received. Continue to monitor DAID’s website for information regarding
the status of the 2024 STU Application Approval.

2024 Dyking Taxes – are due and payable by September 30, 2024. Penalty of 15% will be applied to late payments. All mailing must be post marked September 30, 2024 or prior. Payable to: Dewdney Area Improvement District by Cheque /Bank Draft/Money Order or E-transfer. Email funds to include PID & Roll number for reference.

May 27, 2024 DAID Trustee meeting (Public invited) – 7:00pm at Hatzic Prairie Hall – 10845 Farms Road

2024 Court of Revision – May 25, 2024 Noon to 2:00pm @ Everglades Resort 8400 Shook Road, Mission

2024 AGMApril 22, 2024Registration 6:00 – 7:00pm Meeting 7:15pm Hatzic Prairie Hall – 10845 Farms Road

March 18, 2024 – IAF Funding – The Ministry of Agriculture announced $5 million in funding for upgrades to the Hatzic pump station and electrical kiosk, as well as development of a Hatzic Flood Mitigation and Watershed Master Plan.

In a joint news release with the Fraser Valley Regional District (FVRD), Leq’á:mel First Nation and the Dewdney Area Improvement District (DAID), the funding was called a “significant move to enhance community resilience and safeguard against the impacts of severe weather events”.

Upgrades to the Hatzic pump station and electrical kiosk are designed to raise the kiosk to a higher flood-resistant level. Fish-friendly technology for the pump station will increase water transmission capacity.

2024 STU (Short Term Use) License application submitted February 15, 2024.

March 4, 2024 DAID Trustee meeting (Public invited) – 7:00pm at Hatzic Prairie Hall – 10845 Farms Road

2023 Dyking Taxes – are due and payable by September 30, 2023. Penalty of 15% will be applied to late payments. All mailing must be post marked September 30, 2023 or prior. Payable to: Dewdney Area Improvement District by Cheque /Bank Draft/Money Order or E-transfer. Email funds to include PID & Roll number for reference.

2023 STU (Short Term Use) License – approval to use the slide gates until September 5, 2023 has been received. PLEASE NOTE: September 5, 2023 lake water level will start dropping. Remove your watercraft before September 5, 2023 unless you are able to monitor the lake water level on a daily basis.

2023 Court of Revision – May 13, 2023 Noon to 2:00pm @ Everglades Resort 8400 Shook Road, Mission

April 17, 2023 – Min. of Environ. & Climate re: Flood Debris Management & Hatzic Area Sediment Projects. Presentation link:

Hatzic Lake Level

Hatzic Lake level is governed by the natural flow of the water from the upper streams and creeks and the level of the Fraser River.

When the Fraser River level drops the water from the lake flows naturally through the flap gates into the Fraser River. It is normal to see exposed lake bed during the months September to May every year. The lake will have minor fluctuations of water during the winter months depending on the amount of heavy rain, snow etc. that is received over a short period of time.

During the Freshet (spring thaw usually beginning of May) when the Fraser River rises due to melting snow from the Interior Rivers the flap gates are forced closed and incoming water from the valley creeks and streams above the lake area remains in the lake. The pumps are used to pump water from the lake when the lake level becomes too high.

August 2022 – 2022 STU Approval-DAID has received the 2022 STU (Short Term Use approval). The slide gates can be activated to retain water level in Hatzic Lake until September 6, 2022. PLEASE NOTE: Remove your water craft from Hatzic Lake by Tuesday, September 6, 2022 unless you are able to monitor the lake level on a daily basis.

2022 Dyking Taxes – are due and payable by September 30, 2022. Penalty of 10% will be applied to late payments. All mailing must be post marked September 30, 2022 or prior. Payable to: Dewdney Area Improvement District by Cheque /Bank Draft/Money Order or E-transfer. Email funds to include PID & Roll number for reference.